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19 Tweets You’ll Want to Share With Your Best Friend Right Now

When you’ve really got a best friend, you know.

Those are the peeps who are really there for you. They celebrate your highs, sure, but they’re also there when the low-lows come knocking on your door.

That’s why we love Twitter. It’s great for good friends, and even better for besties. Because you can say how much you love your BFF publicly and proudly for all the world to see!

So don’t sleep on these tweets, fam! Send them to your fave gal or guy because those people are worth their weight in gold!

1. Squad ready to report for duty!

2. Remember when….?

3. I apparently don’t have a best friend…

4. Schmile!

5. Try harder. Okay, don’t. No worries.

6. Symbiosis!

7. I love everything you do. Always.

8. The. Best. Ever.

9. They ain’t wrong…

10. What are we supposed to look like?

11. Friendship goals!

12. Dance off, pants off!

13. I do this as much as I can!

14. So… what if your name is actually Ted? Hmmmm…

15. Haters can relate

16. Let’s be friends. Okay? OkAY?? OKAY???

17. I still love you, but…

18. Petty 4 lyfe!

19. Why can’t we just live forever?

Brb. Can’t stop crying because I love my best friend so much.

Talk amongst yourselves. Or find another article to read.

Either works for me.