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20 Funny Tweets People Shared That Got Over 50,000 ReTweets


These tweets all went viral in a big way in November, 2018, and for good reason.

They’re funny. DAMN FUNNY if you ask me.

Hey, maybe you’re even one of the people who retweeted these.

1. A real gem

Photo Credit: Twitter


Photo Credit: Twitter

3. I think it’s a roach

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Amen

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Too close to call

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Are you ready?

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Good one!

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. That’s how it works

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Two choices

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. They really can

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. The. Worst. Pain. Ever.

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Time is running out

13. Where you been?

14. Okay…

15. You are now famous

16. Life is beautiful

17. Mind blowing

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Pluto moved on

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Uh oh

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Jihad!

Photo Credit: Twitter

Are those viral-worthy, or what?