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20 Bad House Photos Taken by Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents have to be tech-savvy these days and taking quality photos to put online is a crucial part of selling homes.

That’s why these pictures are definitely NOT helping anyone get rid of these houses anytime soon.

1. A Rare Opportunity To Acquire A Sacrificial Dungeon Simply Bursting With Original Features

2. If The Weather Clears Up Later I Might Mow The Pool

3. “I Think I’m Beginning To See A Pattern” Said Holmes

4. Attention To Detail Is Very Important. For Example, Here The Agent Has Dragged The Body Outside Before Taking The Photograph

5. Just As It Had The Great Mayan Cities Of Tikal And Calakmul, Nature Slowly Reclaimed The Wilsons’ Dining Roo

6. You’ll Never Guess What I Just Passed On The Stairs

7. Lucy Often Thought Back To Her Old Bedroom, Where She Spent The Happiest Years Of Her Life

8. This Christmas, Turn Your House Into An Actual Advent Calendar

9. On Cold Winter Nights There’s Nothing Quite Like Curling Up In Front Of A Roaring Toilet

10. Some People Like To Read While On The Toilet. Others Prefer To Be Inundated By Multiple Confusing And Contradictory Reflections Of Themselves, Repeating Into Infinity

11. Blog Idea: Reasons My Fan Is Sad

12. It’s A Tribute To My Late Wife, Who Used To Dream Of Being A Clumsily-Drawn, Questionably-Shaped Mermaid

13. If That Thing Gets Accidentally Hoovered Up It Could Damage The Vacuum Cleaner

14. Advice To Real Estate Agents: Never Reveal Yourself To Be The Prince Of Darkness During A Viewing

15. Wake Up Eric, The Agent’s Here. And For Heaven’s Sake Put Some Clothes On

16. Buyers Are Advised To Leave The Fridge Right Where It Is

17. Not Yet Bernard. Feeding Time Isn’t Until 6:30

18. That Feeling When You Enter A Bathroom And Literally Don’t Know Where To Start

19. Hit It With Something, See If It Moves. I’ll Be Downstairs Barricading Myself Into The Kitchen

20. In Some Cultures, A Desire For Privacy Is Seen As A Sign Of Weakness

Which one is your favorite?

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