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20 Memes For Moms That Are So Relatable It Hurts

Being a mom isn’t a tough job. You actually get paid to do a job. And no, kisses and hugs don’t count.

No, being a mom is a god d*mned higher learning institution where a toddler is the teacher, and they’re making up new lessons randomly and without warning. And every day you have to pass test after test after test.

And if you fail… oh boy. Let’s not even talk about that.

Let’s just read some memes instead. And eat chocolate. And talk about our kids.

20. How yo doin’?? ?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

19. Oh, you sassy gurl!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

18. Oh yeah, dat me!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

17. Truth

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

16. RUN! Protect the treasure!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

15. But do you have to, tho?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

14. Oh, blame the dads again, ehhhhh?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

13. HALP!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

12. The right is just the industrial version…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

11. “You want to play a game, mommy?”

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

10. Stop touching it!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

9. Damn it feels good to be a toddler…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

8. But would you?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

7. Complete and utter destruction of the mind, body and soul

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

6. I’m HUGE!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

5. You can do anything. But there are consequences.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

4. Yo betch! Cheez-its! Right meow!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

3. Tonight I googled, “Does giving kids booze to sleep really work…”

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

2. Rules? What rules!?!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

1. Always on p*op. Forever on p*op.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

Just remember moms… you chose this.

But you’re free to complain.

We’re listening.

We’re always listening…