Remember the 1990s? It was a simpler time…and we all dressed really badly.
But that’s what nostalgia is all about. Looking back and laughing.
And these 20 memes about the ’90s will make you do just that.
1. *hangs head*
Photo Credit: Twitter
2. All the good stuff
Photo Credit: someecards
3. Take me with you!
Photo Credit: someecards
4. Me!
Photo Credit: someecards
5. A fun one
Photo Credit: someecards
6. A lot of people
Photo Credit: someecards
7. It’s true
Photo Credit: someecards
8. Was it Stevie?
Photo Credit: someecards
9. Anticipation
Photo Credit: someecards
10. They weighed a ton
Photo Credit: someecards
11. You could eat it too!
Photo Credit: someecards
12. Big Friday night
Photo Credit: someecards
13. Hello, Rachel
Photo Credit: someecards
14. Nailed it
Photo Credit: someecards
15. And a killer jukebox
Photo Credit: someecards
16. Laughs with Bob
Photo Credit: someecards
17. It was loud
Photo Credit: someecards
18. She’s still missing
Photo Credit: someecards
19. Game night!
Photo Credit: someecards
20. What a feeling!
Photo Credit: someecards
Take me back!