Labor can be a rather smooth process or it can end in death. This is one of the reasons why drugs are used to induce labor these days, but what is that experience really like?
These 20 moms open up about their raw experiences after labor induction, and it can result in extreme pain to even longer labor! Yikes!
Here’s what they went through.
20. Sometimes you just can’t rush it…
Photo Credit: Whisper
19. Yeah, I totally understand not wanting to have a c-section.
Photo Credit: Whisper
Photo Credit: Whisper
17. More people die in childbirth than you’d believe.
Photo Credit: Whisper
16. Better that you’re both healthy and happy.
Photo Credit: Whisper
15. OMG! I’m so sorry!
Photo Credit: Whisper
14. Yeah, the drugs cause a TON of cramping.
Photo Credit: Whisper
13. NO woman should judge anybody for having a c-section. And if they do… f*ck THEM!
Photo Credit: Whisper
12. Yay! Congrats!
Photo Credit: Whisper
11. Hahaha, when you don’t get enough sleep, it’s like you’re drunk. Seriously.
Photo Credit: Whisper
10. Sometimes that happens, unfortunately!
Photo Credit: Whisper
9. This is true. Due dates aren’t accurate because you never know when you actually got pregnant.
Photo Credit: Whisper
8. Whew!
Photo Credit: Whisper
7. A tough one.
Photo Credit: Whisper
6. That’s so lucky!
Photo Credit: Whisper
5. Just know it could happen later. Yours and the baby’s health is more important.
Photo Credit: Whisper
4. #truestory
Photo Credit: Whisper
3. She was cozy in there!
Photo Credit: Whisper
2. No, it’s not selfish. Ugh… some people…
Photo Credit: Whisper
1. Yep. This is a reality for many women. Don’t be afraid of stigmas.
Photo Credit: Whisper
How about you?
Did you get induced?
Have a c-section?
Or was natural childbirth what ended up happening?