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20 Parents Share Their Stories About Their Kids — ‘Why Me?!’


To all the parents out there: we hear you and we sympathize with you.

Those of you who have kids out there: these tweets from other parents should ring a bell…I’m not sure if that’s good or not.

1. Smart aleck

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Not reciprocated

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. New rules

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Either way works

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. Kids and food don’t mix

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. Sounds great!

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Get on the bus

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Dread

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. It’s part of becoming a young adult

Photo Credit: Twitter

10. Hahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Ouch

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. There’s always one

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. Injured on the job

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. Smart

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. That doesn’t work

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Or a cat…

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. Please go to sleep

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Not the expected response

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. We’re good

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Not quite…

Photo Credit: Twitter

We feel your pain…