There is nothing that tie these memes together except your laughter.
Think about it for a moment.
Got it?
Okay, let’s go!
1. Seriously. Get a new hobby.
Photo Credit: Someecards
2. Truth
Photo Credit: Someecards
3. Hmmmm…
Photo Credit: Someecards
4. Is this how Starbucks works?
Photo Credit: Someecards
5. Soak it in, fam!
Photo Credit: Someecards
6. It’s a thing. On the daily.
Photo Credit: Someecards
7. He still had that?!?
Photo Credit: Someecards
8. Hey, whatever works!
Photo Credit: Someecards
9. “on just my weiner…”
Photo Credit: Someecards
10. More water. Less drama.
Photo Credit: Someecards
11. Do it wrong, all day long.
Photo Credit: Someecards
12. Having a life is overrated.
Photo Credit: Someecards
13. Oh boy… we’re in THAT phase of life now?
Photo Credit: Someecards
14. Take care of yo self!
Photo Credit: Someecards
15. “Come with me. I can show you where the memes come from.”
Photo Credit: Someecards
16. Consistently inconsistent!
Photo Credit: Someecards
17. All of us every day!
Photo Credit: Someecards
18. What was I thinking?!
Photo Credit: Someecards
19. That IS how it’s supposed to work. Or so they tell me.
Photo Credit: Someecards
20. Brain! Shut down already! Sleep!!!
Photo Credit: Someecards
Hope that was random enough for you. Because now we don’t really know what to focus on today, and we blame these memes.
Oh well, probably best to go back to sleep… ? ? ?