Even though most countries around the world are pretty enamored with American pop culture, some of the stuff we put in movies leaves them…perplexed.
I guess it’s those little quirks that make us the USA, dammit!
Here are some things that are confusing movie watchers around the globe.
1. How far is that?

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2. It’s our duty

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3. Paper or plastic?

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4. In a hurry

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5. Solo cups 4 life baby!

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6. No need

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7. It’s like an appliance

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8. Dear School…

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9. Dangerous out there

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10. I wish

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11. We like the sweets

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12. I don’t even have a kitchen table

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13. Move on in

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14. YES

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15. All the time

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16. Again, no need

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17. That’s a touchy subject

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18. Better than nothing

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19. Big time

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20. Not sure about that one…

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I actually do end phone calls without saying goodbye, so…