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20 Tweets from Parents Who Are Fed up with Their Kids’ Eating Habits


Kids are complete disasters when they eat. Food everywhere, crying, it’s a total sh*itshow.

And these parents have had enough.

1. Sounds like fun

Photo Credit: Twitter

2. Quite a power

Photo Credit: Twitter

3. The dreaded cry

Photo Credit: Twitter

4. Just give it to them

Photo Credit: Twitter

5. You gotta do what you gotta do

Photo Credit: Twitter

6. It truly is universal

Photo Credit: Twitter

7. Insulted by a 4-year-old

Photo Credit: Twitter

8. Missing all the good stuff

Photo Credit: Twitter

9. Tricks of the trade

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10. Feeding frenzy

Photo Credit: Twitter

11. Pushing the limits

Photo Credit: Twitter

12. Yuck

Photo Credit: Twitter

13. That actually doesn’t sound terrible

Photo Credit: Twitter

14. No kids do

Photo Credit: Twitter

15. C’mon, it’s good for you!

Photo Credit: Twitter

16. Ain’t this the truth…

Photo Credit: Twitter

17. A mind-bending experience

Photo Credit: Twitter

18. Spit take

Photo Credit: Twitter

19. Hard to explain that one

Photo Credit: Twitter

20. Animals!

Photo Credit: Twitter

Do your kids drive you nuts when they eat? Sound off in the comments below.