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20 Tweets That Will Sound Familiar If You’re a Functioning Hot Mess


You consider yourself a “functioning hot mess”? You can get stuff done but you still have a wild/reckless side? But you’re also a borderline disaster?

Hey, me too! That’s why these tweets should sound familiar to you.

1. No compromise

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2. I have some too

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3. Punish yourself

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4. That was a bad move

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5. Fix me

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6. Who you honkin’ at?

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7. That might do the trick

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8. This is awful

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9. Nap time

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10. Come find me

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11. Not OK

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12. Failure

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13. Shocking

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14. Downward spiral

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15. I wonder why?

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16. There you are!

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17. Vicious cycle

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18. Blocks and blocks of it

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19. It’s the greatest

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20. Where do I start?

Photo Credit: Twitter

Get your act together!