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20 Twitter Comebacks, Courtesy of Harry Potter Author J.K.Rowling

Daniel Ogren

Twitter is the place for short replies and quick wit – both of which Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling has in spades. Which is made clear enough by these 20 times she expertly trolled the internet trolls.

20. I hate it when that happens.

19. Wear it with pride.

18. Because we’ve got news for you…

17. Goals.

16. Not enough people quote Churchill, if you ask me.

15. Savage.

14. I mean that’s helpful.

13. A calling, really.

12. Standard author nightmare.

11. Adorable.

10. Slow clap.

9. Oh, Draco.

8. Yes, I fail to see the problem.

7. This line is so old.

6. Nothing so posh.

5. There it is.

4. That’s funny, I don’t care who you are.

3. Oh, man.

2. All shouty and everything!

1. Tried and failed to not spit out my coffee.

Now that’s winning!