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22 Customer Service Memes That You’ll Feel In Your Soul

If you’ve ever worked in retail or food service, you know that customers can be a handful. And that’s being nice.

But you haven’t seen anything until you’ve worked that customer service desk in a retail setting. Wow. People will turn into god d*mned animals if they think they should be getting their money back. And god forbid if they think they should be getting something for free for their trouble.

Yes, I did work retail and, yes, I did work the customer service desk… so these 22 customer serve memes are so damn relatable.

Let’s go!

22. Isn’t this how it use to work?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

21. Oh, it’s gonna be like that?!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

20. F*ke it till you make it… to another job.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

19. Oh really?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

18. See! SEE!!!!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

17. Well, maybe you need to customer somewhere else then!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

16. I can already tell this is going to end badly…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

15. Wait, how did I get this banana….?

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

14. Just so you know…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

13. Sorry, not sorry, but really sorry, and sorry.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

12. #TruthBomb

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

11. Hahaha, oh you retail workers and your funnies…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

10. I don’t want to be here any longer…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

9. Yesssssssssss????

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

8. All jobs. Ever.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

7. Agreed. You gave it to me. I’m taking it. Bye.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

6. Oh, some of us understand…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

5. Put Kim behind a customer service desk and watch her CRUMBLE…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

4. Why do you keep asking me this?!

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

3. I’m chilling until the last possible second.

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

2. All the feels…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

1. Is this a double? This seems like a double…

Photo Credit: Petty Mayo

Okay, I’m going to go to bed. Gotta get some sleep so I can work in the morning…
