I’ve been trying to work out, but so far, it’s just not working out. And by that I mean I’m just not working out.
I’ve been trying to work out why my work toward workouts haven’t been working out, but so far it hasn’t worked.
Maybe if I work on working out some workout memes I can finally work out why my workouts don’t work out.
Are you tired of this schtick yet? You wanna get on with the memes? Yeah me too, let’s do it.
30. No excuses
I don’t understand people like this and I never will and I’m not sure if I want to.

Source: The Chive
29. Music to my ears
And it’s too awkward to ask them if they’ll play your murder podcast over the loudspeakers.

Source: The Chive
28. Tense situations
Good morning, dummy.

Source: The Chive
27. Day and night
Why can’t we just do the fun parts like everybody wants to?

Source: The Chive
26. The breast around

Source: The Chive
25. Problem solved
Now that’s a lot of damage.

Source: The Chive
24. Time flies
Oh cool, so I’m going to die soon basically.

Source: The Chive
23. Taco Tuesday
It can be every day if you just believe hard enough.

Source: The Chive
22. Dead serious
I’m not even bending the truth here.

Source: The Chive
21. That’s swell
My gut feeling about this is that it’s probably not good.

Source: The Chive
20. Tread lightly
Time is your enemy in fitness.

Source: The Chive
19. The sip
What the heck do they put in these things?

Source: The Chive
18. Pressing issues
Beat that, Linda.

Source: The Chive
17. Questions answered
Thanks for noticing.

Source: The Chive
16. Compare and contrast
I shall always be the trash panda.

Source: The Chive
15. Getting curved
Better watch out.

Source: The Chive
14. Peachy keen
Be proud of your accomplishments.

Source: The Chive
13. Surely this time…
My friend would like to have a word with you.

Source: The Chive
12. Set me up
I am once again asking how long you’re going to take.

Source: The Chive
11. So hongry
Still a good boi.

Source: The Chive
10. Time keeps on slippin’
I think Einstein might have had some things to say about this.

Source: The Chive
9. Instant gratification
How come this isn’t working yet?

Source: The Chive
8. No pain no gains
It’s all been worth it just for this moment.

Source: The Chive
7. Quality time
How is her lower body shaped like that? Genuinely I did not know this was possible for a human.

Source: The Chive
6. The duality
I, too, dye my hair while on a treadmill.

Source: The Chive
5. Distraction
Do you even lift, Bill?

Source: The Chive
4. Pure motivation
Not sure you’re doing that right, but what do I know?

Source: The Chive
3. Everything in balance
You can’t judge me, I put in a modicum of effort today.

Source: The Chive
2. Too cool
his is absurd, I want my money back.

Source: The Chive
1. Floor time
I think I’ll take a stand against this.

Source: The Chive
Man, that almost motivates me to actually go exercise. Almost.
What’s your fitness like right now?
Tell us in the comments.