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50 Employees Get Revenge Against Greedy Business Owner

Trying to get the powerful to listen and treat you fairly can often feel like an impossible task. That’s why reminders about the power of collective bargaining are so important.

One story by Reddit user Vivian_kiki exemplifies this on a small scale, with 50 employees working in solidarity to curb the greedy and stupid practices of one particular business owner. The story was originally posted to the subreddit r/ProRevenge but has since been removed by moderators, apparently for not being revenge-y enough.

But I say hard-nosed negotiation can be pretty badass too. I’m glad to see that Fail Blog saved the screenshots so that it lives on.

It’s a bit of a read but well worth your time. I’ll let it speak for itself.

Part One

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Two

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Three

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Four

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Five

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Six

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Seven

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Eight

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Nine

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Ten

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Eleven

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Twelve

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

Part Thirteen

Original post by Vivian Kiki on Reddit, archived by Fail Blog

What’s your proudest moment of standing up to the man? We bet you have at least ONE time you did that, right?

Let us know in the comments!