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This Woman Sent Only ‘Twilight’ Movies Quotes To Everyone She Matched On Tinder — People Are Loving The Responses

Image Credit: Megi Meskhi

You might have heard of a little sensation called Twilight – the books, the movies, or both. It’s been in the news again, as the author, Stephenie Meyer, is planning to release a long-awaited 5th book, Midnight Sun, in August 2020.

Which is to say, millions of people all over the world love Twilight and everything connected to it – but most people don’t go so far as to quote it exclusively on their Tinder profiles.

And I mean…based on these responses, you don’t really do it if you want to pique people’s interest, either. At least, not based on these 8 examples.

8. He bugged right the heck out.

Guy has no time to suffer fools.

Image Credit: Megi Meskhi

7. This guy definitely thinks a lot of himself.

I have to wonder whether or not its warranted.

Image Credit: Megi Meskhi

6. I’m guessing she just didn’t have time that day.

I’m surprised she has time any day.

Image Credit: Megi Meskhi

5. This dude just really wants some Thai food.

And also, oddly, to know where she lives.

Image Credit: Megi Meskhi

4. But the clear winner is this guy, who quoted Twilight right back.

I mean, I don’t know if he’s a WINNER but he’s a winner.

Image Credit: Megi Meskhi

3. This guy is a pretty good sport.

She should go out with this one.

Image Credit: Megi Meskhi


1. He’s willing to play along.

Also he listens to J Timberlake, so, win.

Image Credit: Megi Meskhi

I guess this is what happens when you get on Tinder but don’t really care what comes of it?

Which I mean. Is probably the best way to do Tinder, right?

What do you think? Would you do something like this on Tinder? Let us know in the comments!