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“Babies Are Problematic” – A Hilarious Thread That Savages Babies Without Consequence or Care

You know what’s funny? Making fun of babies.

Why? Because a) they don’t even know what jokes are, b) their feelings can’t get hurt by these jokes and c) they’re powerless to stop us.

So, in the spirit of completely roasting defenseless tots, we give you this epic thread by Twitter user @ARTSHL3Y.

The culprits in question…

Can you name just ONE? Think about it…

Leeching being the key word there…

Not exactly #MeToo, but…

Why can’t you give us your reasons babies?!

So, basically, cancel all babies. Stat.

Needless to say, Twitter had some thoughts of their own…

Some were fully in support!

Because WTF are they doing for the world, huh?

And TBH, they act creepy AF all the time…

Apparently, even Michael Jordan is in on this…

So it’s official then?

Nobody is going to have any more kids?

Oh, that’s not feasible?

People will keep having children, regardless of this Twitter thread?

Okay, how about toddlers?

Oh, babies turn into toddlers?

Okay, well, I guess babies won this round! But next time…