Couples break up all the time. The painful conversation can happen privately or out in public. Could be a dramatic exit complete with packed bags and the slamming of the door. Or over a terse dinner in a restaurant. Texting breakups and ghosting are possibly the worst ways of dumping or getting dumped.
And sometimes, breakups happen in the most horrible way, over the most cr*ppiest of reasons. Clear your mind and try to think of how such a breakup would play out. Then triple the humiliation. You would still fall short.
Fortunately, Trevor Valle was available to paint such a scenario in vivid detail for Twitter. He happened to be awake surfing YouTube late at night when he heard a high-pitched scream from a small window across the alley.

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Dude dropped his phone in the toilet. Happens to the best of us.

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So the phone is now swimming with p*op.

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And now p*op AND puke.

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The reason why he is fre*king out so becomes more clear. He is FaceTiming another woman while taking care of otherwise personal business. This is the point where I think most people start thinking THIS WOULD NEVER HAPPEN TO ME.

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Apparently, p*oping was not the only personal business he was up to while FaceTiming another woman. He was also taking additional pleasures.

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GF sounds like the only one who has had her own sh^t together in this relationship because she gets funny AF. She also leaves him to deal with his own stink, shame, bodily fluids and possibly his side-chick still on FaceTime floating in it all.

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Valle then tweets a photo of just how close he was to the literal sh^t-show.

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There are many, many, many lessons to be learned here about behavior, intimacy and how to treat others, but perhaps this Twitter user brings up another excellent point.

Photo credit: Twitter
Who says you have to leave your computer to live a real life? Twitter brings it to you on a platter. Thanks, Internet.