Full disclosure: I love sleeping.

I love getting into my bed at night to read before I fall asleep, I love mid-day naps on the weekend on the couch.

I just can’t get enough!

Of course, even though I can’t get enough, it doesn’t mean that I actually do get enough because life is pretty darn busy for all of us.

But when I get it, I LOVE IT.

And I think you probably do too if you’re here with us right now.

Let’s all enjoy these funny memes about one of the things that really keeps us going: SLEEP

1. Faster! Faster!

A bad feeling is when you wake up 3 minutes before that baby goes off.


2. The worst!

I was just getting to the good part!


3. No difference, really.

You should see me after I get 12 hours of sleep…


4. Things spun out of control.

What day is it?


5. A little bit groggy.

Time to recuperate and take on the day…or to take another nap.


6. It worked!

This book must be a bestseller.


7. Who the f*ck does this thing even work?!?!

Enough to ruin your evening.


8. I’m listening…

But I’m not sure that it’s sinking in…


9. It’s gonna be a long day…


10. Pack it all in.

Make good use of that time.


11. Can you just give me a break, BRAIN?

It just keeps running on a loop.


12. I can’t feel my arm!

Time to get a bionic one…


13. Oh shit…not that again.

You can’t escape your past.


Okay, how about you?

Are you a huge fan of getting those ZZZZZZZZs? Does your life not feel complete without a nap?

If so, talk to us in the comments and tell us all about livin’ that sleeping life!