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#GlitterPits is Armpit Hair Bedazzling and We Don’t Know What to Think of It

Source: @geehair / @erne.norma on Instagram

I’m not sure how to tell you this, but we’re sticking glitter in our armpit hair now. Or at least, a bunch of people are. Maybe this will be the innovation that finally propels us into the Utopian future we’ve all been promised. Maybe it is a harbinger of the end of days. I’m not qualified to make such an interpretation, because literally my brain does not know how to process this.

And to be super clear, I’m not judging. You do literally whatever you want with your body. I’m certainly not one to dole out fashion advice. All I’m saying is that I…wasn’t prepared for this.

Enjoy these 15 examples of #GlitterPits, because you saw this title on the thumbnail and you clicked it and you really shouldn’t turn back now.

15. How to

Here’s a video displaying how it’s done.

14. Fireworks

Ah yes, my regular weekend plans.

13. Carnival

I’m not sure what the caption says but I’m hoping it’s an explanation for why the bouncy castle behind her has teeth.

12. Bio-sparkle

Lotta new vocabulary words here.

11. Hashtag hashtags

Again, don’t know what the caption says, but WOW that’s a lotta #.

10. Pride and joy

I mustache you a few questions about this.

9. Starter kit

You don’t have to go full-out immediately or anything.

8. Uncertain

The look on your face speaks volumes.

7. Next big thing

This will probably take over soon.

6. Too sexy for you

Pretty in pink.

5. Party time

Gettin’ wild with water.

4. Hanging out

“I had hairy pits before it was cool.” – that cat, probably

3. Bare

Hair isn’t a prerequisite for the glitter pits, if anyone was wondering.

2. I see

Now THIS is art.

1. All-inclusive

It’s not just for women!

Welp. That is now a thing I have seen. Let no one say that I…haven’t looked at that.

What is your opinion on this trend? I need to know.

Share it in the comments.