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Guy Documents His First Week of Work at Target — Each Day Gets Weirder And Weirder

Houston Style Magazine

We’ve all been there. You’re starting a new job and a million thoughts run through your mind:

Will I fit in?
Will my co-workers like me?
Am I as stupid as my mother says?

Okay, well, maybe some of us have different thoughts than others, but when Tumblr user kimpossibooty was hired as a cashier at Target, he did what every good millenial should: document his days there to share with all his internet friends later.

All jobs have their quirks, but apparently this particular national superstore really brings the weirdos out en masse. Prepare to be spirited away to a land of misfits, fre*ks, and mutants.

And next time you’re at your local Target, take a closer look at your fellow shoppers…

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:

Day Four:

Day Five:

Day Six:

Day Seven:

Sounds like a great time…remind me not to apply to Target next time I get fired.