If you’re looking for memes, stop. Your long search is over. You can rest your weary bones now. The hunt is at an end and before your eyes your treasure lies.
Drink in your bounty deep. You’ve earned it.
15. The game is afoot
Next up: the mystery of why I’m so tired all the dang time.

Via: cheezburger
14. Oh Lord yeah
I’m sure this is what Black Sabbath had in mind.

Via: cheezburger
13. Can do attitudes
I’m absolutely fizzing with anticipation.

Via: cheezburger
12. We’re in a pickle now
But hurry – it’s only here for a limited brine.

Via: cheezburger
11. Leg

Via: cheezburger
10. Magic in the air
He man. He also man. They men.

Via: cheezburger
9. Don’t be sad
First of all, that’s a bill, not a beak. Second of all, I don’t care.

Via: cheezburger
8. Very krafty of you
I am simultaneously intrigued and repulsed.

Via: cheezburger
7. Cattle tattle
What, were you raisin’d in a barn?

Via: cheezburger
6. The messenger
Bike golly I think he might have been onto something.

Via: cheezburger
5. This spells disaster
I’m going to write a strongly worded letter about your weakly lettered words.

Via: cheezburger
4. Tell that
This is absolutely the sharpest tool in the shed.

Via: cheezburger
3. Circling back to this
B-. The correct terminology is “chonk.”

Via: cheezburger
2. Fair is fair
I’ll be spending half my shift in the bathroom until you decide to give me more money.

Via: cheezburger
1. Farming fundamentals
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that the mama cow has a halo in the second panel?

Via: cheezburger
We hope this generous bounty of memes has fulfilled you in your search. Now pass on, traveler. To the next meme adventure.
Where else do you search for memes?
Tell us in the comments.