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“I Nearly Vomited” — 12 People Share Disrespectful Things Somebody Did in Their Home

Do you have good manners? Do you know how to behave politely? Sure you do!

These 12 people though… they encountered some insanity when people came to their house. And the results are hilarious.


1. The Piggy Bank

“My wife’s cousin was staying at our house because he was going through marital problems.

One night I woke up in the middle of the night and I heard some change rattling. He walks down the hall with my 5 year old’s piggy bank.

He was taking money from my daughter’s fre*king piggy bank to buy drinks and smokes.

I was speechless. Like, ‘How could you?’ He claimed he was too embarrassed to ask me or my wife for money. So he resorted to stealing it.

If I would not have woken up that night, we would have never known. A day or so later, he got some money from somewhere and put $200 in her piggy bank. He was only sorry because he got caught. He left shortly after that incident.

Still bothers me to this day.”

2. Nope. Period.

“My college roommate invited a bunch of people over one night. We each had our own bathroom, clearly marked.

I go to get something from my room and hear obvious banging going on in my bathroom. I knock on the door and say, ‘Wrong one, get the heck out.’

After they came out, I saw that they had cleaned themselves up on my nice white towels.

Apparently, she was on her period.”

3. Something’s Fishy

“Back in college, my roommates and I hosted a birthday party for a mutual friend at our apartment. Earlier that day we gifted her a pet goldfish because she had been talking about getting a fish.

Fast forward to later in the night.

Our male friend, let’s call him Mike, decided he needed to find a way to impress our other friend, who I’ll call Darla.

Mike tries every lame joke and pick up line on Darla and fails time and time again. Then he sees the goldfish in his tank and scoops him up in his hand.

He says, ‘Check this out, Darla!’ He then plops the fish into his mouth and swallows it alive. My roommate and I immediately rush over and start trying to make Mike puke the fish back up.

Darla quickly makes for the door and leaves the party.

Sadly, that fish met its doom in Mike’s stomach that night.

He never apologized although he did complain about severe stomach issues for several days afterwards.”

4. Caught Red Handed

“When I was in cub scouts in third grade, my mom hosted a meeting for the scouts in my grade at school where we built bird houses for some badge or something.

While we were waiting for everyone to arrive, me and the scouts who had already arrived started playing in my backyard.

One scout, let’s call him ‘N,’ told us he had to go to the bathroom ‘really bad’ and left. When everyone arrives to start the project, I notice that N was sitting at the edge of the table looking down and my mom was REALLY angry, and was trying her best to suppress it.

She asked me and all the other scouts if I had given N permission to go in my room. Me and all my friends said, ‘No, he said he had to go to the bathroom really bad.’

This response only made my mom even more visibly angry and N ducked his head more. 5 minutes later N’s mom arrives and is apologizing profusely to my mom.

Turns out N went into my room, pocketed the 20 dollars I had been saving up (I got paid 2 dollars a week for mowing the lawn as an allowance), and was stuffing my toys and video games into his backpack.

My mom went upstairs to ACTUALLY use the bathroom and noticed the theft taking place and caught him red-handed.

He then lied to my mom and said I gave him permission to go into my room and he was just ‘checking it out.’

But no, my mom caught him red handed and my mom is SCARY when she’s mad. In total, he tried to steal around $150 in Game Boy cartridges, Pokemon cards and toys and around 3 months of allowance.”

5. With Family Like This…

“I was hit by a car when bicycling to work one day. I ruptured a kidney, broke my jaw and six teeth, and was in general pretty banged up.

My boyfriend at the time was overwhelmed by it and he called my family for support (without me knowing, otherwise I would have told him not to).

I hadn’t spoken to them in about five years at this point.

They drove 10 hours to our apartment. My boyfriend and I had arranged a suite of rooms at the beautiful hotel literally around the corner from us but they said it would be better if the FIVE of them slept in our one bedroom apartment with us.


I’m pretty out of it from medication, etc. They had never been to my city before so they insisted I show them around.

I got them behind the scenes passes to tour Pixar studios and tried to show them around as much as possible despite the fact I could barely move or walk from the pain in my kidney.

After a few days, I told them I couldn’t keep going places with them.

They said I was ruining their vacation. I responded that I didn’t know it was a vacation, I thought they came to visit me because they were concerned about my near-death accident.

My mother laughed at that. I told them all to get the heck out of my apartment. On the way out, my sister stole all my pain meds.

I didn’t realize it until several hours later when they were long gone and I couldn’t find them to take my next dose.

I had to go back to the ER and the staff didn’t want to give me more meds because they thought I was doing something illegal.

I had to recover from serious injuries without help.”

6. Immature Friend

“Buddy from college was traveling through town and stayed with my wife and I for the weekend. Nothing crazy, hung out and remembered our college years.

A few days after he left, my guest bathroom reeked. Took a bit to figure out but finally discovered an upper decker (poop in the sink) left for us.


He thought he was being funny. Our group in college would pull pranks on each other all the time (not this bad).

The problem is everyone else matured, he did not. Our paths haven’t crossed since he stayed with us, only a few comments in group chats.

He hasn’t apologized, told me to ‘chill, it was just a joke’… honestly, I’m done.”

7. Stay Away From That Kid

“When I was a kid, my mom had a friend and her son over. They were over for a couple hours and just as they were leaving I noticed all of my video games were gone, I told my mom, she goes and grabs his backpack and off course they were all in his bag.

His mother immediately came to his defense, saying he’s got a lot of games and must have thought they were his.

It didn’t even make sense and she acted as if nothing had happened.

Anyway, terrible mother, kid had no chance.

He is now in jail for life no parole for shooting and killing a cop during a coke bust.

There were about 10 or 11 years between the time this happened and the time he went to jail.

I was around 7 or 8 and he was around 9 or 10.

Our parents stopped being friends, but they still hung around the same social groups.

He got expelled multiple times until he was expelled from the district. In middle school he got mad at someone and brought a peashooter to school and shot him in the butt.

Then a couple years later he made a pipe bomb and stuck it in a locker. He was arrested multiple times for vandalism.

His mother was always the type of person that would defend him at any cost.”

8. What The What?!

“One night the girls who lived in the apartment across the hall brought a friend with them to hang with us.

As soon as she walked in, she screamed, ‘This will be hilarious. College guys always get the cr*ppy, hand me down dishes from their parents!’

She walked into the kitchen and began pulling out pans and dishes and howling about how old and ratty they were.

Our friends were mortified.

When they tried to talk to her, she talked louder. After 30 seconds of this lunacy, my roommate and I told her to leave.

She threw a giant fit and called us jerks.

When we honestly tried to come up with some justification for her after the fact, the best that we could come up with was that maybe she was being (way, way) too familiar.

I can see a close friend opening my cabinet and saying good-naturedly, ‘Man, college kids are an excuse for parents to dump their old stuff and buy new.’

If that was her intent, she failed.”

9. Mirror Image

“It was my mother-in-law who came to visit my then boyfriend and I.

We were in a rental that had a weird little bathroom that the rest of the house made up for.

But I got up in the morning and went to the gym and grabbed some food to make dinner. When I got home, I went to shower and she has taken down the bathroom mirror (which came with the rental!) and put up a new one that was really ugly and too small.

I wrapped myself in a towel and switched it back. She asked me why I did that and I told her it wasn’t my mirror and gave her the other one back.”

10. Very Bed Manners

“She invited a bunch of sleazy guys over, despite me asking her not to. She let them in while I was in the shower, so I did not realize they were in my house.

She then took one into my housemate’s bedroom and locked the door (super disrespectful to my housemate who had so kindly offered that she could stay in her room as she was going to be at her boyfriend’s for the weekend).

When I got out of the shower, one of the guys was in my bed!

And I was like dude, get the heck out of my bedroom. And he refused and said my friend said he could stay there.

I was very not ok with that. I physically had to push him out of my house. The next day when she sobered up, I kicked her out of my house and did not speak to her for three years.”

11. A Horrible Husband

“My ex husband and I had a couple that we were friends with. I grew up in the same neighborhood with the husband, and worked at a bar with the wife.

They had met and gotten married in Vegas 3 weeks later, so naturally there was a lot of buzz about their relationship, and her intentions (the guy was super sweet, and she was, well, sketchy).

We had them over for dinner and karaoke, and the night was fun.

She kept taking selfies on our disposable camera with my husband, and wanting to sing duets with him, but whatever.

Her husband and I finally tapped out around 2 am, and they stayed up. I woke up the next morning, and there was drink stains ALL OVER my bar room.

Clothes everywhere, half butted cigs, lip prints on my big mirror. She had slept with my husband while her husband and I were sleeping.

I don’t think the poor guy even realized what happened, I never even really had a fallout with her.

She quit the bar and I never saw her again. They did get divorced, but I don’t know if that’s why.

As far as my husband and I, I was young, and naive.

It took me a little while to realize my worth, but when I did, I went out with a bang. Sent him a pic of his belongings outside our condo and never looked back.”

12. A Pair Of Dolts

“My husband’s friend and her boyfriend arrived from overseas. We hadn’t met him previously.

On day one, the boyfriend googled ‘buy weed in (city name),’ got scammed into sending a lot of cash to Nigeria via Western Union to pay for it, then gave them our address for delivery.

No weed ever turned up, but the police did.

On day two, he wanked in the shower and his load got caught by the hair catcher in the drain, which I discovered when I cleaned the shower.

I nearly vomited.

On day three, the pair of them had a massive raging argument at our dinner table while the four of us were sitting down to eat.

They were yelling insults at each other and trying to get us to join in and take a side.

It went on like this for about a week until my husband told them to leave.

They tried to come back a few days later because they’d discovered that our country is expensive and they’d prefer free accommodation with us.

We declined.”

Sooo… which one was the rudest? The crudest? The most insane?

Let us know in the comments! Then share this post with your friends… because we guarantee they’ll want to read it too!