Parenting is a constant struggle between being completely over-the-moon in love with your kids and being on the edge of losing your fre*king mind.
Should you go out to dinner or check yourself into a mental institution?
The choice is yours…
In the meantime, enjoy these tweets about raising those troublemakers.
1. Spoke way too soon.
Way way way way way way way way too soon. Definitely.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
2. Looks like it’s gonna last a while.
Why not just chill out for a bit?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
3. He’s back! Finally!
To the liquor store!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
4. Can’t we just have one nice photo!
No, apparently we can’t. Okay.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
5. The good old days.
Bang bang bang!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
6. A lube disaster.
Does she need to do better? Or does she need to do f**king better?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
7. Can’t do it today.
Gonna piss blood now. Thx kid!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
8. Time to declare bankruptcy.
I’m not gonna make it out alive!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
9. Can’t handle this right now.
Let’s just go get some food, please.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
10. Uh oh…you know what’s next.
Baby time, fam!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
11. To each their own.
I mean, they both work… right? RIGHT?!?

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
12. Could go either way on this one.
One is hours of fun. The other is hours of pain.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
13. I’m going to hunt you down.
You. Will. Die.

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
14. Praise the Lord.
I can finally breathe!

Photo Credit: pleated-jeans
Those memes definitely speak the truth about parenting…
Have your kids been driving you nuts lately or have they been perfect angels?
Tell us a little bit about your kids in the comments! Let’s hear about these little monsters!