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People On Reddit Are Saying People Named ‘Kevin’ Are Dummies, Idiots, And Jerks

Ever notice that a lot of crazy stories involves someone named Kevin? It’s like every Kevin on the planet is an idiot or a j^rkor both. They all can’t be born that way.

Or…can they?

Like most weird phenomena, you only need to visit Reddit to see proof of this Kevin a-hole’s stupid existence.

So grab a brewski (because that’s what Kevin often drinks) and scroll through these 15 pieces of evidence to decide for yourself if Kevin is really a nitwit or just misunderstood.

Photo Credit: Pxhere

But, first a definition

Photo Credit: Reddit

1. Kevinas are people too.

Photo Credit: Reddit

2. The Stupid Diaries

Photo Credit: Reddit

3. Kevin is a flat earther, obviously.

Photo Credit: Reddit

4. Kevin is hard to live with.

Photo Credit: Reddit

5. Dr. Kevina

Photo Credit: Reddit

6. Kevina gets confused about all the States.

Photo Credit: Reddit

7. Kevin is deluded.

Photo Credit: Reddit

8. Kevin should be bubble-wrapped.

Photo Credit: Reddit

9. Kevin is a rebel without a clue.

Photo Credit: Reddit

10. Kevin can’t learn a damn thing.

Photo Credit: Reddit

11. SMDH

Photo Credit: Reddit

12. Sometimes adorable.

Photo Credit: Reddit

13. Oh, Kevin.

Photo Credit: Reddit

14. Falling Kevins seems to be a recurring theme.

Photo Credit: Reddit

15. If Kevins don’t know the answer, they will ask the question.

Photo Credit: Reddit

Kevins may be dumber than big bags of rocks, but wouldn’t we miss them if they weren’t here making the rest of us look like geniuses?