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Incredibly True Stories About People Missing Big Historical Moments

Source: @amyrobynne on Twitter

Have you ever, like, overslept and realized you missed something important? A meeting? A phone call? A class? A bomb-a** breakfast?

Well imagine that times a thousand. Imagine checking out for a bit and then coming back into reality to realize that the world had changed around you.

That’s the kind of scenario that was being discussed on Twitter in this crazy thread.

10. The Lost Soul

Dude, go back to the woods or whatever. Stay there as long as you can.

9. The March of Time

That is a heck of a thing to literally wake up to.

8. Give Peace a Chance

Also these neat macaroni friendship necklaces we made for each other.

7. Whoa Now

Was your grandma then getting interviewed about that for the rest of her life?

6. Closing Time

The ultimate “Sir, this is a Wendy’s.”

5. Welcome Back

Everything is way more expensive now, sorry.

4. This Just In

That would be a pretty stunning moment.

3. The King of Pop

Weirdly enough, I was in Europe when this happened to. Literally the only time I’ve ever been. The entire country of Italy was talking about it. Made me realize just how famous he really was.

2. Free At Last?

And the world seems less sane than ever…

1. The Bridge

Over very troupled waters.

It’s real life Rip Van Winkle.

What’s the biggest thing that’s ever passed you by?

Tell us in the comments.