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Instagram Took ‘Game of Thrones’ and Mixed It With Adorable Doggos to Make ‘Game of Bones’

All hail the doggos of the Seven Kingdoms!

Yes, Game of Thrones fans are dressing their dogs up as characters from the show, and do you even have to ask if the results are adorable?

Because the results are ADORABLE!

“Joey Tribbiani, second of his name…”

“When you play the Game of Bones, you win or you die.”

“BEND THE KNEE …and give me belly rubs…”

“happy nameday to our queen ?”

“King Finn of House Burrito demanded Easter eggs….??”

“The role of Dognerys is highly coveted!”

“I know nothing…”

“Everyone, meet #PugSnow and #DanerysCorgaryen!!”

“Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me.”

“I pledged my oath to the Night’s Watch last night.”

“Lord Arnold Relaxborn of the House Pizza…”

“I’m so ready for Game of Thrones, but are you ready for Game of Bones too? ?”
