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Jimmy Fallon Asked Viewers for Their Best #QuarantineQuotes and These 14 People Delivered

Jimmy Fallon is famous for tossing hashtags out to his viewers and asking for them to basically write his jokes for him, and even though he – like other comedians these days – is doing his show from home, people are still coming through.

Like these 14 people, who showed up with some truly hilarious quotes from their time cooped up at home.

14. How about neither, because nothing is wrong with you!

Seriously, though, if you have a problem, get help.

13. Hahahaha what on earth.

I wonder if Mom knows?

12. She’s just trying to save you the embarrassment.

And also her career.

11. I’m sure you still look beautiful.

Because no one should care what you weigh.

10. Mind your business is the best advice a mother can give, honestly.

Maybe we should do a fire drill at my house.

9. I don’t feel like I need to add anything here.

It’s really funny, though, right?

8. The ratty ones just won’t do for that work call tomorrow.

What would people think?!

7. That’s not something my parents would have ever said when I was in high school.

I was suuuuper popular, y’all.

6. There’s only one way to find out.

But you can always try again tomorrow.

5. Because sometimes it’s just really hard to wait until after bedtime.

And also no one has a bedtime anymore.

4. A lot less “winning money,” though.

And also less fun. Admit it.

3. Username checks out.

But I mean, she’s not wrong.

2. I assume you said thank you.

And then maybe cried yourself to sleep.

1. Hahahaha bless his heart.

It’s so sweet that he thinks he’s going to school.


This was exactly what I needed today, y’all! How about you?

Do you have something funny to add to the list of quotes? Share it with us in the comments!