With tolerance and general social understanding of LGBTQ+ identities growing on average, it’s easy for some of us to think that the struggles for equality they face are a thing of the past – but they’re very much not.
Many kids still can’t even get comfortable coming out to their own families, for fear of disappointing them, or of being shunned, or even disowned / thrown out.
Here are a few perspectives from folks who just still have to keep things secret.
10. A funny feeling
Maybe they do know but they’re waiting for you to say it and now it’s just a staring contest?
Source: Whisper
9. Oh, you don’t even know HOW cute
Let’s get in there and mix things up a little.
Source: Whisper
8. Safety first
I appreciate the thought mom but that concern doesn’t rank very high.
Source: Whisper
7. Bashing through
Wait ’till you find out one of those people is your own.
Source: Whisper
6. Sad and lonely
It’s all good in here, too bad you can’t handle it.
Source: Whisper
5. The video
Welp, he may well just find out quick.
Source: Whisper
4. Sad about something
It’s a shame when you can’t share your burdens with family.
Source: Whisper
3. Put ’em down
And I liked it.
Source: Whisper
2. The slap
“And never will.”
Source: Whisper
1. A football bat
Never heard that expression before but I kinda love it.
Source: Whisper
To all the people out there who have to stay in the closet, we’re rooting for you.
Do you have a story like this?
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