Well, if you thought you were gutsy and demanded things of others that were completely insane… you haven’t met these people!
Seriously, you are not prepared for what’s next…
This guy asked a one-time hookup to co-sign for him:

Photo Credit: Twitter
This friend had the nerve to make this request:
Private Instagram pages out here ruining friendships uno ?? pic.twitter.com/CEf0CL6U73
— Wass and 100 others (@wasifali665) May 12, 2019
And this ex had the gall to make this request:
I guess… pic.twitter.com/yJ6DjpMII0
— rollie pollie yolie (@golandayuerrero) February 13, 2019
This kid had the audacity to think they wouldn’t get caught:
I hate this house. One of the kids ate my wing and tried to replace that sh^t ?? pic.twitter.com/djNGwjdKwl
— DOMAIN DIEGO (@DennistheBased) March 23, 2019
This girlfriend had some fre*kin’ nerve to do this:
My bf bought some donuts and I took a bite out of every single one just to f*ck with him but then he got mad about something else and I’m afraid when he sees the donuts he’s gonna lose his sh^t lm*o
— ? (@beckstirfry) February 15, 2019
This boyfriend had the nerve to turn his gift into a big (but hilarious) lie:
When u lying and gotta be dramatic ??? pic.twitter.com/owUrJ90zvB
— Long Money Lito (@YoungLito) February 14, 2019
This boyfriend said this to his girlfriend:

Photo Credit: Twitter
Bruh… what are you doing?!

Photo Credit: Twitter
This dad had the nerve to wear this on Mother’s Day:
in an absolute disregard for moms everywhere, this man is using a Mother’s Day brunch to flex his ultimate dad outfit pic.twitter.com/AQVksYpYB4
— MadeByTim (@MadeByTim) May 12, 2019
And finally, the Instagram with the most nerve of all — this couple’s breakup photoshoot:
Good afternoon to this instagay couple who had a breakup photo shoot ONLY pic.twitter.com/fbKoHhBJEz
— Paul McCallion (@OrangePaulp) April 25, 2019
Actually, I have to hand it to that last couple. I think that takes some serious guts.
Not angry at that in the least.