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Woman Shares Her Abortion Story About Her Psycho-Ex Who Got Her Pregnant To ‘Lock Her In’

The recent legislation in Missouri, Georgia, Alabama and Ohio has many women opening up about their life experiences and why abortion is an absolutely necessary procedure.

Enter meowmeowmeow07 on Twitter, who calls herself Brie. She shared an extraordinarily intimate and personal story recently about an abusive ex who tried to trap her with a baby by poking holes in the condoms they were using.

And it gets worse…

Part one

Part two

Part three

Part four

Part five

Part six

Part seven

Part eight

Part nine

Part ten

And people definitely had similar stories…

And showed support…

And how about that tough as nails friends who wouldn’t let Brie go through this alone…

Seriously, people actually believe that it’s okay to trick people into MAKING AN ENTIRE PERSON?

I’ve had it with today. Gotta get off the internet…