Look in the mirror. Take a long, hard look at yourself. You’ve already broken your New Year’s resolutions, haven’t you?
We’re not even two weeks into the new year and you already ruined it.
That’s okay! I did, too! So cheer up and enjoy these memes.
1. Agreed

Photo Credit: Twitter
2. You’re doing it!

Photo Credit: Twitter
3. I like this plan

Photo Credit: Twitter
4. What am I, a joke?

Photo Credit: Twitter
5. Here they are again

Photo Credit: Twitter
6. Hahahaha

Photo Credit: Twitter
7. Air quotes

Photo Credit: Twitter
8. I need some

Photo Credit: Imgur
9. At capacity

Photo Credit: Imgur
10. Oh sh*t

Photo Credit: Imgur
11. Bye bye Brian

Photo Credit: Imgur
12. Bob juice

Photo Credit: Imgur
13. I’m one of you

Photo Credit: Imgur
Hey, don’t be so hard on yourself, okay…