The pressures of being a parent can really get to people. You have the responsibility of raising up a human life, and the last thing in the world you want to do is drop the ball.
“Am I a good parent?” is a question that has haunted so many for so many years. And the reasons the question comes up are as varied as people themselves.
Here are a few reasons in particular that men feel they might be bad dads.
10. Stress
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this. Kids are a handful, especially at that age. Stress is inevitable.

Source: Whisper
9. Need to Flirt
A lot of how I’d assess this one depends on whether you’re single or not…

Source: Whisper
8. A good job
Now that is an incredibly dicey situation.

Source: Whisper
7. Work work work
Seasons like this are ok, as long as they don’t last forever.

Source: Whisper
6. Friends
It’s always tough on kids to leave their buds behind.

Source: Whisper
5. Wanting to leave
Some say there’s no such thing as a bad divorce.

Source: Whisper
4. Spending decisions
Sounds like a little budgeting is in order. It’s not so bad, just sit down, write it out, stick to it.

Source: Whisper
3. I lost it
Everybody loses their patience now and then.

Source: Whisper
2. The work problem
The central theme to a thousand Hallmark movies.

Source: Whisper
1. Solve for X
Some things he’ll have to figure out for himself, just like you did.

Source: Whisper
Here’s to all the dad’s out there – it can be a real tough road.
Have you ever felt like a bad parent? What brought that on?
Tell us in the comments.