I’ll confess: I signed up for Disney+ pretty much solely to watch Avengers: Endgame again. I’ve been thinking about it a lot, and I guess I’m not alone.
Tumblr user bileandthesourwolf opened a blasphemous thread on why Tony Stark, a regular ol’ human, is actually the most powerful Avenger. And he brought receipts.
The logic goes like this:
Source: bilesandthesourwolf on Tumblr
Right, so, Thanos could handle the stones, barely – but he’s a huge purple monster.
And there’s a lot of debate in Endgame about what the gauntlet might do to other people. Like Professor Hulk.
Source: bilesandthesourwolf on Tumblr
And then there’s Tony with all of the Stones…
Source: bilesandthesourwolf on Tumblr
And Tony being a bad ass…
Source: bilesandthesourwolf on Tumblr
Has the non-superpower superhero been superhuman all along? Other users agreed it seemed right.
Source: buckinwildstory on Tumblr
Oh yeah… Tony is feeling it.
Source: buckinwildstory on Tumblr
Tony lives with pain constantly!
Source: ironmanstan on Tumblr
What do you think? Is this all adding up?
Hit us with your nerd rage in the comments.