Parenting can be a beautifully rewarding experience for some people, but it’s not for everybody. While it’s a pretty major milestone in the lives of many, there are some folks who don’t feel any desire to participate in it – and there’s nothing wrong with that!
Society likes to put a lot of pressure on people – women, specifically – to have children once they hit a certain age. That’s something that illustrator Kate McDonough has had a lot of experience with, and she decided to outline her feelings in a comic strip for her comic, “Pretty, Pretty, Ugly.”

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough

Photo Credit: Kate McDonough
Being a parent is a massive responsibility, and not everyone is cut out for it. Isn’t it actually more unselfish and responsible to recognize that about yourself and simply opt out of having kids, as opposed to being a terrible parent?
At the end of the day, it all boils down to this: if you want to have kids – great! If you don’t want to have kids – great! There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all lifestyle for ANYONE. Make your life choices based on what’s best for you, as opposed to what anyone else might want you to do.