With rampant wealth inequality on the rise all around the world and growing resentment for the rich as awareness spreads of how just how much the majority of us are getting screwed, you might *think* it wouldn’t be the best policy to spend large chunks of your life endlessly staging photos showing off how excessively you live. But...
Recently I’ve gotten really into eBay. I don’t know how long this new hobby will last – probably until I run out of stuff around the house that I think anyone might actually want. But honestly, it’s a pretty cool tool for connecting people who own obscure stuff with people who happen to WANT that obscure stuff. The problem...
A huge number of us have worked a restaurant job at some point in our lives, maybe for a little while, maybe for years or even decades. There’s a good reason for that – people love restaurants. We literally have to eat, and we want to do it in a fun and easy way if we can afford to. So we interact with cooks and servers and hosts and...
Sex is a pretty important part of relationships for most people – especially if you’re younger. But even with two ready and willing participants, it’s not always so easy. Our bodies can get in the way of our own fun and fulfillment, and there are few instances of that considered more taboo or embarrassing than erectile...
You know us millennials, we’re always checking in with each other. Gotta keep advocating for mental health, even when we’re living in a time where there’s no normal and no baseline and the notion of sanity is kind of laughable. Maybe that’s why “Babe are you okay?” has become one of the defining memes of our...
You may be shocked to learn this – but Tumblr? That place filled to the brim with obsessively nerdy and sensitive creative types who thrive off a detached sense of community while reveling in their own quirky individualism and sense of personal identity? A bunch of them are introverts. I know. You’re slack jawed. You’re aghast....
I finally took that Myers-Briggs personality test the other day after a lot of egging on from a friend of mine and it told me that I’m an INTJ which I guess means “Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judging.” Which makes sense to me. I’m pretty intuitive, especially when it comes to quickly realizing how bad I’ve...
I’m a pretty introverted guy. In fact, I was cautious to even start writing this intro. I was afraid to put it in front of people. Do you like it so far? Have I called too much attention to it? You know what, forget it, nevermind the intro, I’m going back to watching Netflix, but here are some introvert memes ok thanks bye. 15. Heavy...
Everybody remembers the first time they had sex, but do we all remember the first time we had sex…solo? It’s pretty much never an elegant or beautiful story. It’s weird. It’s awkward. It can be nice in the contexts of self-discover or coming of age, but in general, it’s just a big...
Marriage. Marriage is what brings us together today. But what’s it like on the other side of the nuptials? What’s it like JUST on the other side? I’ve never experienced it myself, but I know that a heck of a lot of friends have felt a heck of a lot of different ways. Let’s look at the real, anonymous thoughts of a few...