11 Tweets For Anyone Fed Up with Work

Jobs. Can’t live with ’em, literally can’t live without ’em, because they provide you with money that you trade for things like food and shelter from the elements. But also you get to wear fun flair and talk to angry customers all day about stupid policies that you didn’t come up with! So it’s not all bad! On...

10 Tweets People Who Work at a Restaurant Will Understand

Restaurant jobs are hard. They’re rough. Having worked them a bunch is sort of a badge of honor – it’s like the military service of the job market. And who better to complain about that sort of thing in a funny way than the people of Twitter, who are serving up a steaming hot entree of sass with a side of “tip me 20%+ or go...

Guys Spill Exactly What Their Mad About After the Breakup

My favorite musical artist of all time Ben Folds has a song called Song For the Dumped that has embedded itself into my consciousness. It starts rather intense with these lyrics: So you wanted To take a break Slow it down some and Have some space Well f*ck you too Give me my money back Give me my money back You b*tch I want my money back And...

10 “Disappointed Letters” Guys Wrote to Their Exes

As someone who has recently been through a breakup, I can understand the impulse to say things that have been left unsaid. There’s a lot that can get sort of pent up, and stay that way, because once the thing is over, you start to wonder “what’s the point of stewing in anger and disappointment? Won’t I just make things...

11 Tweets You Shouldn’t Live Without

Twitter can be a place that gets so overwhelming, and a point from which so much news can flow, that it’s easy to forget that the majority of Americans aren’t even on the thing. They just go through their lives tweetless, not getting into the random arguments with strangers, not having endless debates about cancel culture, and worst of...

10 Absolutely Top-Shelf Tweets We Found for You

If you’re looking for tweets, look no further. We’ve got ’em. And not just any garden variety, run of the mill tweets, either. No, sir. No, ma’am. No way. You won’t find these tweets lying around in gardens NOR mills. These are top shelf tweets. The kind that are behind the little pane of glass at the drugstore and...

12 Problems Sleep Talkers Will Understand

Sleepwalking is what happens basically when your brain fails to produce the chemicals necessary to keep you still while you’re asleep so you don’t start acting out your dreams. I’ve never really had that problem, though I’ve suffered the opposite – a phenomenon called sleep paralysis where that chemical keeps getting...

12 Weird Things People Have Said in Their Sleep

Sleepwalking and sleep talking has got to be some of the strangest stuff the human mind and body can conjure. It’s weird enough that we dream while we sleep, it’s far weirder that we can sometimes exist in a half dream state and just walk around freaking out everybody we know. So, let’s gawk at some weird. 12. Puppy love In this...

10 Nannies Taking Care of Little Jerks

You remember that show “The Nanny?” I remember I used to watch it a lot on daytime TV when I was a kid for some reason. That reason being it was one of the only things on I was allowed to watch and this was back when you watched things WHEN THEY WERE ON and we didn’t have cable so there was a grand total of like seven channels...

People Open Up About Having Super Strict Parents

There’s an old saying that goes “Spare the rod and spoil the child.” How old? Well, it’s literally in the Old Testament. More accurately, it’s a shortening of Proverbs 13:24 which says: “Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline...

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