10 Memes that Will Get Songs Stuck in Your Head

The lyrics and intonations to some songs are so thoroughly baked into our minds that we can be prompted to get them stuck in our heads without even hearing them. It’s like they follow us around, waiting for their chance to strike again, the clever little earworms. Sorry to say that if you keep scrolling, you’re going to have a whole...

10 Memes that Define Our Beautiful, Weird American Education

Are you a victim – er, I mean – product of the American education system? I’m so sorry. I sympathize. I literally didn’t even know biological evolution was a real thing until college. We’re not exactly killing it when it comes to education and properly preparing kids for life. But what we ARE killing it in is making...

10 Memes to Help You Reach Your Minimum Daily Dose

How many memes would you say you’ve looked at so far today? Really? Only that? Well, that’s not nearly enough. You need plenty of memes to sustain you! To make you taller, faster, stronger. You gotta keep up with your meme regimen or you’ll fall to pieces. Lucky for you, we’ve got some right here, and we’re not stingy...

15 of the Best Tumblr Posts of All Time

You’re in for a real treat today, because we’ve got the top fifteen Tumblr posts OF ALL TIME. This list was compiled by a team of researchers working ’round the clock for years, sifting through the millions of posts available and weighing their characteristics on a detailed table of qualities and I’m totally making all of...

13 Memes to Make You Dream of Memes

Do you dream of memes? When you lay your head down on the pillow at night and drift off into that unsolid place, is it memes that you see? Memes of your past, memes of your present, and memes that are yet to be? Then you, my friend, are a true meme visionary, and that is a gift that must be fostered and nurtured within you. We can help. Look over...

Here’s Your Daily Dose of Fresh Tweets

Need some tweets to get you through the day? What a strange and very specific need. How does that even happen? Somebody should write a research paper about you. But we’re not here to judge, and actually we’ve got plenty of tweets to share, so you’ve come to the right place to get your fix! Here are ten delightful tweets to get...

14 Wholesome Love Memes to Feel Good About

Let’s put aside all the snide and bitter dating memes for a minute and just celebrate love. Let’s celebrate companionship, togetherness, a sense of belonging, and the fact that sometimes cute people let us touch their butts. Here are fifteen wholesome relationships memes to make you feel warm and gooey inside. 14. The butterfly...

10 Ways Weird Ways Your Day Could Be Worse

It’s a cliche we’ve all seen in a million movies and TV shows. The characters find themselves in some awful spot and one of them moans “How could this get any worse?” or “At least things can’t get any worse.” Then BOOM, it starts pouring rain, or a siren goes off, or shots start firing through the air. The...

10 People Who’ve Had Very Bad Luck This Summer

How’s your summer been thus far? Kinda bad? Because the whole year has been a series of disasters. Cool, cool, yeah, that sounds about right. But believe it or not, things could probably be even worse. Need proof? Look no further than this gallery of suck posted by Reddit users who are most definitely NOT having a great season. They range...

10 People Who Are Having a Worse Day Than You

Have you had a bad day? How bad, on a scale of one to ten? If it’s under an eight, looking at these photos might actually cause you to lower it even further. Because compared to these poor saps, your day miiiiight have been just fine. These all come from a very bittersweet subreddit called r/Wellthatsucks, which is a place for users to share...

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