This Instagram Account Highlights the Most Poorly Named Places in the World

My son has a book called Grumpy Monkey, about a chimp who is grumpy and realizes over the course of the story that it’s fine – sometimes we just need to be grouchy for no reason, but we’ll feel better soon. If you’re having a day like that while the people around you insist there’s no reason to feel down, well, this...

15 Religious LGBTQ People Discuss How They Reconcile Identity and Religion

For those of us who don’t identify as queer, or LGBTQ, it can be interesting – but sometimes impossible – to try putting ourselves in their shoes. One of the questions people who aren’t living their life might not understand is how they reconcile living in their true skin with religious beliefs that can sometimes seem to...

Someone Asks People What Their Turn-Offs Are, Gets Very Specific Answers

We’ve all got our turn-ons and turn-offs. Some are pretty universal. There are typical beauty standards and ways we do and don’t like to be treated; all the usual stuff. Those sorts of things came up a lot when user xCombust took to r/AskReddit to ask the question: What is an instant turn-off in a relationship? by inAskReddit But...

10 Jokes so Bad They Might Be Good

A lot is made of the concept of “dad jokes,” but I’ve never really heard a concrete definition of what separates a dad joke from other jokes. I do have a theory, however. I think when a person becomes a father, on the back of the birth certificate they get to write down 3 jokes. Those jokes will be the only ones they get to tell...

15 Memes You’ll Need to Send to Your Friends Because They’re Too Stupid

There’s a lot of ways people can express themselves. We can speak, we can write, we can compose music or paint portraits. Or, we can find memes and send them to each other, which honestly might be the most effective medium of meaningful communication we’ve yet developed. So if any of these random memes strike a chord in your heart, be...

10 “Smol” Animals Living Their Best Lives

The word “smol” hasn’t made it into Merriam Webster yet , but it does get a little page on, which defines it as “an affectionate way of saying someone or something is small in size.” And as Newton’s fourth law of physics probably states, “small things are cute.” I don’t know, I...

Funny Texts That’ll Remind You Why We Have These Phones in the First Place

Why do we even have these things in our pockets? I’m talking about our smartphones that can pretty do anything but we mostly use them to send stupid memes and text messages to each other. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! Here are some funny text messages that people were kind enough to share on social media. We think...

12 Cute Animals That You’ll Want to Meet

About 4 times a day, I get the overwhelming urge to annoy the life out of my cat. Occasionally she seems appreciative of my over-zealous love, but mostly regards me as a nuisance. I wish there was a way to explain to her that she’s just too CUTE and FUZZY and ADORABLE to be left to her nap in peace. But she doesn’t get it. That’s...

11 Funny Text Message Exchanges for You to Enjoy

Sometimes, funny texts have a way of brightening our day at exactly the right time. You’re down and out and then BOOM, you get a good one from a friend. And that means they are a TRUE friend… because those are the ones that text… not call. Or maybe someone forwards you a really ridiculous one that makes you shake your head and...

12 Memes That Should Put You in a Chipper Mood

Alright people, it’s time for a pick-me-up. No, not a drink. I’m talking about a pick-me-up of the humorous variety. And they will be presented to you in the form of memes. How does that sound? Great, let’s start now! 1. Here it comes again. Sometimes, there’s no escape. Photo Credit: someecards 2. Like a video game. Or an...

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