Pregnant Mom-To-Be Dresses up as Different Characters to Show Size of Baby Every Week

First pregnancies are magical . It’s the first time you’re contemplating what it’s like to be a mom, the first time you’re managing the wild ride of emotions attached to the little being inside of you, and yeah, the first, magical moments you realize there’s an alive baby moving around in there. Because it’s...

18 Cat Photos That Bring Pure Happiness

Disclaimer: If you have actual blood pressure issues that require medication, we are not suggesting or urging you to replace your doctor recommended treatment with cat snaps. For everyone else, who just has bad days every now and again that require a little stress relief, well…that is why cats and Snapchat were invented. It’s true....

10 Recent Tweets From Black Twitter You Might Love

Twitter is constantly churning out share-worthy content. Like Ferris Bueller once said, “life moves pretty fast – if you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you might miss it.” Well, that’s not going to happen on this GenX-er’s watch! At least not when it comes to these 10 great recent tweets from the...

These Sad Tweets About Trying to Lose Weight Might Hit You Right in the Feels

Honestly, I’m tired of feeling chubby all the time. And I know I’m not alone. So I think this is it. I think this is the year that I FINALLY get taller. What’s that, you say? That’s not how it works? This is an outrage. I demand to speak to a manager. Losing weight feels rewarding but so does, you know, pizza, so it’s...

10 Memes That Anybody With a Job Will Understand

No matter how many jobs you have, you can find the same dumb stuff at pretty much all of them. I read somewhere that the average Millennial has already worked as many jobs as the average Boomer, despite the age difference. More and more of us are hopping from place to place or taking on multiple jobs at once – and all that work experience...

15 People Imagine Hilarious Life or Death Scenarios with Random Orange Objects

Thinking about how you’re going to die isn’t exactly my idea of a fun past time, but imagining scenarios where you’d suddenly have to defend yourself, or you’d find yourself in danger from an unexpected assailant, that’s something different. That scratches some evolutionary survival itch deep in my brain. That’s...

16 Men and Women Discuss the Signs That Make It Clear a Relationship Has Run Its Course

I’m probably not telling you something you don’t already know, but relationships take a lot of work and, sadly, many of them don’t last forever. And when you’re in the middle of a relationship, you notice the signs that make it pretty clear the relationship has run its course and will probably fizzle out sooner than...

15 Wholesome Animal Tweets to Brighten Your Day

As an animal lover, these tweets really make my soul feel good. Sometimes when you’re having a terrible day, the only thing that can put a smile on my face is playing with a dog or a cat OR looking at great photos of them. Here are 15 wholesome animal tweets to make your day just a little bit brighter. 1. Just wanted to help...

15 Women Share What It’s Really Like Living With Anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorders, panic disorders, and social anxiety disorders have major impact on the lives of millions of people around the world. These disorders are different than the normal stress spikes that everyone has in their lives, and it can be hard for people who don’t suffer to understand how people with anxiety sometimes act...

10 Memes to Look At Instead of the News for a Few Minutes

I spent five minutes reading the news today and had to breathe into a paper bag for about an hour and then spend the rest of the evening looking at memes. In other words, it’s been a perfectly ordinary day. As important as it is to be an informed citizen, good lord is it a lot. Here’s a meme break with nothing political or contentious....

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