People Share What Happened When They Actually Called Phone Numbers Written on Bathroom Stalls

Every public bathroom wall has a unique story to tell. They contain the thoughts and ramblings of people who had a minute to kill…and they also sometimes contain the name and number of someone you should call if you’re “looking for a good time.” But have you actually taken the time to call one of these numbers? To find out...

15 People Share Stories About Their Dumbest Family Fights

I grew up in a large family so there was always some kind of conflict going on in the house. Brother vs. brother. Sister vs. sister. Brothers vs. sisters. And throw in the parents for good measure and it was a great time for all! All families fight, that’s a fact. And a lot of those fights are just plain dumb. Here are 15 funny stories...

Here Is The Best Way To Fold Your Jeans

You know you’ve reached peak adulthood when you get excited about a new way to fold laundry. TikTok user @alifestyleforall blew up and blew minds with her video on her pants-folding method, which is honestly so simple I’m shocked more of us hadn’t thought of it before. What’s more, she does it with amazing superhuman speed!...

10 Things We All Have Experienced, But Never Really Talk About

It feels like yesterday I was begging my mom to let me ride the weird mechanical rocking horse thing outside the grocery store. Now I’m doing adult stuff like paying bills, and sexy adult stuff like paying bills while shirtless. It’s fun to take a break from all that and think back to when everything was simpler, and yet more...

Women Share Hilarious Stories of Men Failing Big Time in the Kitchen

Some men are born to cook. Others…maybe not so much. Luckily for us, a bunch of hilarious women were willing to share examples of the horrendous misdeeds that they witnessed from fellas in the kitchen. Let’s hope that these guys were never allowed to make a meal again… 1. Just couldn’t figure it out. Photo Credit:...

Woman Shares Insight On ‘Why Do Celebrity Clothes Always Look Better?’

When was the last time you went clothes shopping and thought “oh this is great, everything fits so well!” Probably never, right? Regardless of your age, size, or gender, clothes shopping is one of the most self-consciousness experiences anybody can have, leaving us with the sense that everybody else is shaped right and we’re the...

This Guy’s Tinder Date Walked out of the Restaurant After He Suggested They Split the Bill

In this day and age, I would venture to guess that going Dutch on a first date is the way most people go. You barely know each other, you don’t owe each other anything, and there’s at least a 50/50 chance you’re never going to speak to each other again…so why even sweat it? If he offers to pay, fine if you want to accept....

Straight Guys Share What “Gay” Behaviors They’ve Been Told to Avoid

So, I’m a straight dude, and this thread on Reddit is blowing my mind.  Reddit user ma_damn_blueberry posed the question on r/askreddit “Straight men of Reddit: what’s the strangest thing you’ve been told not to do because “that’s gay”?” At the time of writing the post has generated 16,000...

12 Text Messages From Freeloaders Who All Tried to Get Stuff Without Paying for It and Failed

We all like to score good deals in life, but here’s the thing…you have to pay for most things, because it’s only fair to the people who sell, produce, or create those things. They need to eat, put gas in their cars, and all that kind of fun stuff, and really, they don’t want their kids to go hungry just so you can score a...

Man Wants to Know If He Made the Right Choice to Skip His Wedding to Be With His Dying Grandma

There is no shortage of hard questions in this world, and most of us really hate to disappoint anyone that we love. We try not to, even, but sometimes life deposits two very important events on the same day, and no matter what choice we make, we’re going to upset someone. In this case, a man decided to go and be with his dying grandmother,...

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