Does your day need spicing up a bit? No worries, the internet has what you need. And what you need is people being funny on Twitter. Here are 15 new ideas to explore thanks to some innovative tweets. 15. Normal PSAs It’s the “come on, don’t be weird, dude” of the film industry. i like how before you see a movie they have...
There are a lot of phrases for lessening stress that all kind of sound the same. Venting. Blowing off steam. Finding a release. The metaphor is kind of from a different time – a time when we relied on things that were more steam-powered and mechanical in nature, where it was common practice to literally release something out into the air so...
Are you a work in progress? Maybe even in the very early stages of development? Perhaps you consider yourself more of a prototype or even a proof of concept rather than a full-blown product. Whether you’re ready for launch or not, I think you’ll find you’re not alone, as there are plenty of people on Twitter struggling with all...
Sometimes it’s weird to try to tell people you’re anxious, because the follow-up question, inevitably, and sensibly, is “about what?” To which we have no response. About what? Everything. Nothing. Anxiety is just the state in which I exist. I’m not anxious as in it’s a passing emotional state, I’m anxious...
I don’t know if you know this or not, but there are a lot of books out there. Like, more than you could read today. Or this week. Or in several lifetimes. That might be hard to hear for some of us who just can’t seem to keep our noses out of the things, but we’ll just have to make do with the measly few thousand we can cram in...
In the fateful year of 2020, so many of us suddenly found ourselves working from home. And once that started to get a little less mandatory, and calls to get back to the office resumed, a good lot of us kind of looked and each other and said “…why bother?” After all, if your job can be accomplished sitting at a computer, and...
In the last couple years, a lot of us have gotten used to working from home for the first time, while for others it’s been, well, just another day at the office, so to speak. But whether you’re still getting used to the idea or it’s old hat to you, there’s no denying that doing your job from the place that you live has...
Are you addicted to reading? I think you might be. In fact I think it may be very serious. After all, you’re reading right now. You just did it again. You’re STILL at it. Ordinarily this might call for some kind of intervention, but I think with reading, it’s pretty safe to just lean in and freebase the stuff. Why not keep the...
According to some estimates, in the United States alone we may be consuming about 9 million bottles of wine EVERY DAY. I mean, not you and I personally. We only collectively account for maybe 40% of that. But other folks are downing the stuff too. It’s staggering to consider the amount of glass alone. And why? Because wine is great. Wine is...
Job hunting is weird. You spend so much time searching for and desperately trying to obtain a position, often just to get there and realize that can’t stand it. That’s what happened to these folks on Reddit who quit their gigs immediately. People who quit their jobs on the first day, what was your “I’m outta here” moment?...