10 Memes to Truly Invigorate You Today

Do you need something to put a little pep in your step? I know I do. I haven’t been able to find my pep anywhere lately. I suspect that either there has been a string of largely unreported pep thefts in the area lately, or that “pep” doesn’t actually mean anything and I’m just very dumb. In either case, I think that...

10 Tweets for People Who are Sick of the Job Market

I’ve never been hunting, but if it’s anything like job hunting, I can only assume that it’s incredibly tedious, repetitive, and that you find yourself often going to great lengths to kill animals you don’t actually even want to eat. Job hunting can be frustrating. The whole market can be frustrating. Good thing we have...

15 High Schoolers Who Went Down In History

Personally, I had a rather dull high school experience. The only folks who might be considered legends from that place were some dumb dumbs who pranked each other a lot. One of them, for example, put a dead fish in the others’ car air conditioning system. Pretty sure they had to just sell the car for scrap. What made the “high school...

People Reveal the Stories About Their High School’s “Legend”

Ah, the glorious, stupid days of high school. When everything is incredibly important and nothing really matters. It’s a churning, broiling society from which legends may spring – and I think we all know at least one or two of those legends. What made the “high school legend” become a legend? byu/Nearby-Level6472...

15 Stories About the Newly Hired and Quickly Fired

The fastest I personally ever lost a job maybe doesn’t quite count. I hadn’t been officially hired, and never was, since my first day on a “trial basis” ended with a mix-up in which a register miscount made it look like I’d stolen about $100 from the till. I hadn’t. But still. Oops. What is the fastest you have...

People Reveal the Co-Workers Who Got Fired FAST

It’s tough to find a good job these days, but BOY is it easy to lose one. In fact, some people seem to be going for some kind of record in that regard. What is the fastest you have ever seen a new co-worker get fired? byu/njaana inAskReddit Here are just a few surprising tales from Reddit about employees who apparently couldn’t wait...

10 Memes for the Frustrated Job Hunter

There’s a supreme difference between “pursuing a career” and “looking for a job.” Though they kind of mean the same thing, the former usually implies that you’re chasing your passions – trying to grab at something that’s going to bring you fulfillment and fun, and maybe change the world around you...

10 People Who are Having a Nice Big Fail of a Day

The other day I was waiting for the train to come by in my city, as I often am. Listening to my podcast on my bluetooth headphones, just generally zoning out in a fog of routine. The train pulls up, I get on, and as it begins to slide away from the station, my podcast is interrupted. First choppy, then lost altogether. And that’s when it hit...

10 Fails That Will Force a Facepalm

There are inconveniences in this life, and then there are fails. Great big, facepalm-inducing fails. The latter are so bad that they’re kind of fun. You go full circle in frustration to the point where you start to think, hey, maybe this thing that’s screwing up my life today is actually sort of hilarious. And that’s when you...

13 Memes for People Who are Broke as a Joke

Are you broke? Broke as a joke? Are you so broke that you can’t even afford a joke about how broke you are? Here’s one adapted from my days studying theatre in college: What do you call a acting major who doesn’t have a girlfriend? Homeless. Here’s some more jokes, in the form of memes. Try not to cry. 13. Day by...

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