24 Pieces Of Advice For Folks In Their 20s (From People Who Have Been There)

When I was in my twenties, I would have argued that it had to be the best decade of my life. Possibilities were endless, sleep was optional, I had energy for days and I never, ever woke up wondering how I’d hurt my back in the middle of the night. That said, now that I’ve moved beyond, I’ve learned to appreciate the...

16 People Confess Their Mostly-Terrible Reasons For Cheating

As someone who has personally never cheated, I have to say that I really don’t get it. I know some people say that sometimes s^x is just s^x and they still love the person they’re committed to so they don’t want to leave, but in most cases, wouldn’t it be better for everyone if you just stayed single? Maybe I just...

33 Of The Best Posts Tumblr Has To Offer

No matter how well versed you are in the different social media sites around the internet, it can feel impossible to really master them all. They’re the same, but also they’re different – and if Tumblr isn’t your favorite spot and where you spend the most time, there’s a good chance it’s a bit of a mystery to...

11 People Admit To Why They Cheated During Long-Distance Relationships

There are no easy relationships. If a relationship is good and healthy then there are more easy days than not, but loving and caring for another human being day in and day out is bound to bring at least occasional challenges. One of those challenges for some couples is maintaining a romantic relationship while you’re not living in close...

10 People Describe The Moment They Knew They’d Fallen Out Of Love

Everyone wants to talk about the rosy, hopeful days of early romance. Those glowing moments, the butterflies, the firsts, and the falling – but since a majority of relationships in our lives won’t work out in the end, most of us will fall out of love just as many times. It’s not as romantic, but I think it’s important to...

11 People Describe What It Was Like To Fall Out Of Love

Hollywood and the media wants to talk a lot about the blissful high of falling in love with somebody new, but far fewer stories and character deep dives go into the opposite side of that coin – falling out of love, sometimes with that very same person. That some relationships don’t last forever is just a fact of life, though, and these...

11 Siblings Talk About Why Their Rivalry Is So Serious

Most of us talk about sibling rivalry as something of a joke – sure, we’re competitive but at the end of the day we love each other and a win for one of us is a win for everyone, right? Not so, apparently. At least, not for everyone. These 11 siblings take their rivalry with their brothers and sisters super seriously, and here are...

11 Teens Share What It Was Like When Their Parents Cut Them Off Financially

If you had a relatively smooth childhood, in which you generally behaved and your parents took care of you until you were able to stand on your own two feet, then it’s probably hard to relate to people whose experience was totally different. Likewise, if you’re a parent who cannot imagine cutting your child off or asking them to fend...

11 Romantics Relate The Best Date They’ve Ever Been On

I would venture to say that a good date, though a rare thing, isn’t as rare as a good and lasting relationship. Good dates can be one-offs, they can be long ago, they can happen as a total and fleeting surprise – but there’s no arguing they’re not totally sweet when they do. These 11 self-described romantics are ready to...

11 Women Sound Off About Their Fight For Reproductive Rights

Women in America have been fighting for rights – including reproductive rights – for generations. It seems sometimes as if if can be two steps forward and one step back, especially lately. If you’re curious how your average lady feels about the uphill battle, check out the thoughts of these 11 women. 11. Opinions are for...

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