People Reveal the Pettiest Things They’ve Ever Done After a Breakup

I don’t know hot to break this to you, but breakups suck. Sure, sometimes they turn out peaceful, and sometimes the damage is fleeting, but other times, we just absolutely lose our minds when we lose our relationships. And when that occurs, we can find ourselves turning into petty little monsters, and then turning to the internet to...

People Reveal the Strangest Interactions They’ve Had with Cops

If you wanna start an argument, just bring up your interactions with cops and watch everybody go crazy. Policing in America has rightfully become an extremely contentious topic. But somewhere between the horrific tales of abuse and the breathless recounting of heroics, there are smaller, odder interactions people are having with cops every day,...

15 Double Standards That Might Just Be Hitting Men the Hardest

We hear a lot about double standards that benefit men over women, but how often does it go the other way? Actually yes. Of course it does. And that’s exactly what Reddit asked recently… What is a double standard that is seen positively when women do it but negatively when men do it? byu/Real_loser23 inAskReddit Reddit certainly has...

People Imagine What Would’ve Happened if Confronted By Their Past Selves

Back in the day when I was taking acting classes , I learned one concept that I found really helpful, both on and off stage. It’s a psychological phenomenon my teacher referred to as a “private audience.” No matter what we’re doing, all of us carry around people in our minds and sort of wonder what they might think of what...

People Share the Things People Desperately Miss About the 90’s

When I was growing up, one movie series I watched over and over and over again was Back to the Future. I still have to remind myself from time to time that the “future” in Back to the Future came and went more than 5 years ago. It’s a little frightening. And it’s nice to remember the simpler times. What’s something from...

People Share the 15 Weirdly Specific School Rules They Had to Endure

It can’t be easy trying to set policy in a school, even if your heart is in the right place. Because let’s be honest, school is chaos. Even still, there are a few rules that get made that are just plain dumb. What’s the dumbest rule your school ever enforced? byu/SoLe123456 inAskReddit Get ready to live by the letter of the law,...

15 of the Weirdest Things People Faked for Attention

We all need a little attention sometimes. But how far are we willing to go? For some, the answer is clear: WHATEVER. IT. TAKES. What was the weirdest thing you’ve seen someone fake for attention? byu/bel_kitty inAskReddit Oh boy, does Reddit have some stories. 1. A heart attack My grandmother faked a heart attack because she and my dad got into...

10 Wildly True Stories About the World of Hotels

There’s something about hotels and airports that just makes both a little bit not real. You’re not quite at home, you’re not quite in public. You’re just passing through, but you’re also trying to get comfortable. It’s a liminal space, and if you spend enough time there, you might just start to feel super...

10 of the Pettiest Things People Have Ever Done Post-Breakup

They say that all is fair in love and war. And when they say that, what they really mean is “if you’re in a relationship, get ready for things to get nasty, because they could at any second.” And if all is fair in love, then that must mean that all is fair at the end of love. And when that breakup point hits, you better get ready...

10 Highly Questionable Interactions People Have Had with Cops

I’ve got a surprisingly hot take for ya today: a lot of people really don’t trust cops. I know, I know, shocking, but it’s true. And it’s well-founded. Because apart from the huge headline-catching incidents, there are countless smaller ones that make you think “Man. What’s the bar for being a cop? And is this...

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