10 Polyamorous People Talk About What It’s Like To Get Engaged

I don’t know about you, but I think it’s so interesting – and key to a better understanding of others – to learn about lifestyles and preferences that are different from my own. If you’re curious what it’s like to be in a polyamorous relationship – or even to get engaged while you’re in one –...

10 People Share What It’s Like To Be The Bad Guy In A Breakup

In a perfect world, both parties in a romantic relationship can sense if and when it’s time to move on, and can come to a respectful agreement that parting ways is the best thing for everyone involved. In the real world this is hardly ever the case, and one person comes to the realization sooner and has to basically force it on the...

10 People Who Called Off Their Weddings Talk About Why

Marriage is a huge deal that will impact your life – for better or worse – for years. Decades. Longer! That said, many people really seem to focus more on the actually wedding and the party than all of the harder stuff that comes afterward. These 10 people weren’t fooled, though, and were able to look past the excitement of the...

11 People Confess Why They Called Off Their Weddings

Weddings are big business, and I don’t think it’s a secret that – especially in the States – people are willing to spend way too much time and money on a huge, lavish, one-day party. Which is all to say that calling one off isn’t easy, nor does it happen as often as you might think – but these 11 people found...

10 Paroled Convicts Talk About What Happened When They Violated Probation

If you’re not someone who has ever had occasion to flirt with the law, then it may be that you struggle to understand not only how someone gets convicted in the first place, but how and why they would choose to act in a way that would send them back to jail once they got out. Life is all about trying to better understand other human beings,...

11 Ex-Cons Talk About What It’s Like To Violate Probation

Getting arrested and then convicted of a crime is a process that many of us will never go through ourselves, which means we always have questions about what it’s like. If you or someone you know is in this boat and wants to know what happens once you’re out but violate a condition of your probation, these 11 ex-cons are wiling to...

10 Men Share Why “Skinny Girls” Aren’t Their Thing

When it comes to dating, romance, and attraction, we all have our own specific preferences. We don’t even know why we prefer what we do; we just know that’s what we like. These 10 men say they’ve sworn off “skinny girls” for one reason or another, and they’re even willing to share why in these whispers. 10....

People Are Posting Pics of Their Irish Wolfhounds, and They Are Amazing

It’s my goal to get an Irish Wolfhound one day – just look at these majestic beasts! People are sharing their pics of these lovable giants and it makes me want to get one even more. 1. In a Mazda Miata Photo Credit: Reddit 2. Pals Photo Credit: Reddit 3. Snuggle time Photo Credit: Reddit 4. What do I do? Photo Credit: Reddit 5. Try to find...

13 Funny Tweets About Kids That Parents Will Appreciate

Alright parents, your day has come. It’s that time to share ALL of the funny tweets you can with us so we can laugh at your pain. Seriously, these 13 tweets are actually kind of tame when compared to REAL parenting woes. Still, they’re pretty damn funny, so enjoy! 1. How dare we NOT destroy his vision! My toddler woke up upset because...

This Girl Explained Differences Between Animal Shelters and It’s Eye-Opening

Do you know the difference between “kill” and “no-kill” animal shelters? I’ve heard the terms many times, but I don’t think I really understood everything until I read this woman’s Twitter thread on the subject. Yes, it’s time to educate ourselves on this important topic, so let’s dig in! Part...

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