11 Weird Ways Your Brain Will Probably Fail You Today

Sometimes it seems like my entire life is just me testing my brain to see if it can keep up with reality. Then I remember that that means that my brain is actually the one testing my brain, and neither of my brains have the answer key so it is very much the blind leading the blind and this was a fruitless endeavor. It’s probably exactly that...

10 Landlords That Are Really Doing Awful at Their Jobs

Landlords. They’re the best, right? I reached out to mine recently to find out what options were available for my upcoming lease expiration. That was a week ago. I’ve heard nothing. But that’s fine. I mean shoot I’ve got almost two entire months to figure it out, no worries, right? These are the fun adventures of having a...

Men Share Why They’re No Longer Attracted to Their Girlfriends

Attraction can be such a fickle thing. Half the time we don’t’ even know what draws us to someone, or what pushes us back away. Sometimes it’s pretty simple. But even when you break it down to “this person hot, this person not” there’s an entire underlying psychology and system of personal preferences at...

Women Share Why They’re No Longer Attracted to Their Boyfriends

People talk a lot about falling in love, or falling out of love. We talk about crushes, and attraction, and so on. But the thing is, it can be hard to parse those topics out sometimes. They get intertwined. Are you in love or just infatuated? What’s the difference? How long will it last? What would it take to shake that feeling, and then...

People Share What Really Happens When You End Your Affair

Personally, I’ve never cheated. In a relationship, anyway. I’ve cheated plenty at various games and at life in general. But when it comes to dating, I’ve only been cheated ON, thankyouverymuch. It’s a headspace I have a hard time imagining. Being in that position where you screw around with someone behind the back of a...

People Share Their Worst Holiday Breakups

Breakups can be tough, especially when they happen around the holidays. Not to brag or anything but my most recent breakup happened literally he week of Valentine’s Day. Yup. Gonna go ahead and file that away under “crazy bullsh*t I’ll carry around for the rest of my life.” Lucky for me, I’m not alone in experiencing...

People Share Their Best Cheap Date Ideas

Dating can be a lot of fun – but it can also be tough to find the right balance of things to do. A lot of the options are crazy expensive, or just plain unavailable, especially lately. So how do we get creative and thrifty with our romance? What are cheap and fun date ideas? byu/RaynbowArcher1975 inAskReddit Here are some cheap ideas from...

People Share the Scariest Encounters They’ve Had with Strangers

We’ve all had at least one encounter with someone we don’t know that has stuck in our minds forever. Sometimes for amusing reasons, sometimes with far more sinister vibes. What’s the scariest encounter you’ve had with a total stranger? byu/anchovy7 inAskReddit What are Reddit’s biggest Stranger Danger moments? Read...

People Share Their Biggest Break Up Regrets

They say that ’tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. But for some of us, that doesn’t ring true. The loss can be devastating, especially if we feel it wasn’t necessary. And that’s what generates stories like these: Have you ever broken up with someone and regretted it later, if so why?...

People Share the Best “Green Flags” to Look For in a Relationship

We hear plenty about “toxic” relationships and the various “red flags” that accompany them. But why always focus on the negative? Wouldn’t it be nice to know what we ARE looking for, rather than what we’re not? What are some GREEN flags early on in dating that the relationship should become serious?...

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