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People Are Making Some Very Weird Food at Home During the Lockdown


In our wildest dreams, most of us couldn’t imagine what has happened around the world over the last few months.

A once-in-a-century health crisis has pretty much shut down the entire planet and for most of us, that means being stuck at home all the time.

And that’s when things get interesting…

Especially in the kitchen!

Let’s be honest, most of us aren’t great chefs and cooking at home can be a bit of a struggle. And the good people out there are sharing the weird, odd, and downright disgusting meals that they’ve been coming up with.

Are you ready to see the evidence? Here we go!

1. I think I know why…

And it’s not good…

2. When will it end?!?!

I can’t take this much longer!

3. Holy shit!

That sounds…revolting.

4. You hit all the major food groups.

But maybe next time, you should do it for lunch?

5. Looks like a foot…

A delicious, delicious foot…

6. I’m not even gonna say anything about this.

The evidence speaks for itself.

7. I think I’m gonna puke.

Never mind…I just actually puked.

8. Breakfast of champions!

Hey! Not bad!

9. What do you call this creation?

I can think of a few words…

10. Might as well go all in.

And that’s exactly what you did!

11. Get that away from me!

Probably not a very good idea.

12. This is kind of brilliant.

And it definitely took a while!

Wow…just wow…

Now we want to hear from all the readers out there.

In the comments, tell us how your lockdown cooking is going.

We want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly!