Earlier this week, a man took to Twitter to ask a minor, but important question: What is the appropriate amount of towels for an adult couple to have in their household? He had no idea that he would cause an internet-wide controversy.
“Hello fellow adults,” Twitter user @Advil began. “My gf and I have a question… what is the correct amount of towels to own?”
Huffington Post writer Yashar Ali chimed in with a reply that might stun you. He recommended a total of 50 towels, broken down like so.
Some people choked on their dinner.
Others were like “Yup, that is a perfectly normal and good number of towels for two people.”
And many people were stuck on the first line of Yashar’s list, in which he recommends a mysterious item called a “bath sheets.” Not to worry, though – Yashar explained exactly what those are. Basically, they’re like bath towels but bigger and fluffier.
People were, generally, Very Overwhelmed by Yashar’s list and the ensuing debate.
The debate raged on for literal days, to the shock of pretty much everyone.
It inspired other hilarious lists of the types of towels that “grown couples” should definitely own.
But mostly, it just made people want to burn their towels and forget any of this ever happened.
For the record, Jolie Kerr recommends having five different types of towels in your household – bath towels, bath sheets, hand towels, hair towels, and washcloths. She does not name a specific number of towels. You’ll have to decide that for yourself, based on how often you usually do laundry – towels should be used only three or four times before washing, max.
Whatever you decide, just don’t announce it publicly on Twitter. We’ve had enough towel drama for a lifetime!