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People Reveal How Much They’d Pay to Be Attractive

Source: snowbunnyhunter01 on Reddit

I’m what we in the business call “an uggo.” So this question really caught my eye:

Reddit was very excited about this question. So much so that a few them seemed to forget it was a hypothetical.

1. What a deal!

Would you pay $5000 to be extremely physically attractive? …

If so, imagine how good it will feel paying just a fraction of that price to take my course on how to convince people you are extremely physically attractive!!

– thescrounger

2. Plus benefits.

Yes. The benefits of being extremely attractive go far beyond 5k.

– gor8884

3. Broken barriers.

Not just healthier but it would open so many doors to make way more money.

Attraction is a barrier that keeps some people from getting promoted.

Sucks but that’s life.

– mr—jones

4. Nope!

Not a chance.

I’m already extremely physically attractive so it would be a waste of money.

Just don’t ask anyone other than me if it is true and we are good.

– Mindless_Attitude508

5. The real me.

I don’t know.

Does anyone else feel like looking any different than they do would be bizarre and surreal? I think I would miss myself, even though I don’t think I’m the most physically attractive.

On the other hand, I would probably be more confident if I looked like a baddie in the mirror every morning.

– inessenceasquirrel

6. Turned ’em down.

I was a plastic surgery nurse for over 10 years and turned down the perk of a yearly FREE plastic surgery procedure and also staved off the Allergan reps trying to fill my face and lips full of free filler and Botox. I just like me as is.. and rather look naturally aged than look like some plastic creature.

I’ve had my chance at being the “pretty young thing” and will gladly let that go with all the jealous female frenemies and stalking men that went with it ..good riddance to those annoyances lol.

That said – I use really good skincare to soften the blow and slow the aging some at least..

– Lolofortyfive45

7. Up the ante.

Maybe I’m greedy, but this question makes me wonder what 10k could get me.

– PopularMonarchy

8. Very sweet.

No. The love of my life likes me the way I am.

– 314159265358979326

9. More trouble than it’s worth.

Nah, at my age it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

I actually appreciate a low profile at this point. Plus I have small boobs which is great for my back and I don’t have to wear a bra. What if I got big boobs? Seems like a lot of work to manage them.

I’d rather have $5,000.

To clarify: I actually like my AA boobs, but I figured there is a danger a part of me (e.g. rack) that might become more attractive while becoming less functional due to preferences. Didn’t mean to be mean to my fellow members of the itty bitty t*tty committee. – [deleted user]

10. Eye of the beholder.

Uh, can it be my version of me attractive? I really don’t want to be some super muscly dude.

Not sure what I’d want, but at least I’d want to be fairly androgynous and more cute than hot.

– OverlordQuasar

11. Absolutely.


I never fully recovered from Bell’s palsy from 12 years ago when I was pregnant with my first born.

My smile has a slight slant to it and my right eyebrow is dead. I miss my old face. I’ve accepted the way I look. My husband loves me and I’m ok.


– FreshJuice60

12. The social experiment.

I’d pay whatever the asking price is…because then I would be able to prove that in general, people prefer looks to personality, in that initial moment of meeting.

– ZeroPenguinParty

13. Gimme now!

I’m throwing money at the screen but nothings happening, what am I doing wrong?

– Glassclose

14. It all depends.

If I had the money and if I would always look that good yes. But if either of those are a no absolutely not.

I may not be perfect the way I am but I could be worse. Also you. Yes you. No matter what happens and no matter what you do you are beautiful and don’t give up.

If may be tough but you rock and deserve everything ☺️

– stacey_peanut

15. A bargain!

Just $5k?!

– MightyCaseyStruckOut

For me the answer is undoubtedly yes, though I don’t think I have $5k to spare at the moment. Bring on the credit cards, baby.

What do you think?

Tell us in the comments, you beautiful fool.